Thailand Stemcell Breast Augmentation – Bangkok Natural Breast
Cost, Pictures Affordable Stem cell Breast Augmentation to Enhanced your Natural Breast today!!
Save upto 80% with Urban Beauty Thailand on Stemcell Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand special pricing starts from 200,000 THB/ approx. $6,666 USD all inclusive with free transfer. Breast Fat Transfer Bangkok, Thailand; Promotion Price 150,000 baht/approx. $4,600USD from 5,000 USD
Natural Breast without silicone is latest evolution to increase your breast size in Thailand! The Stemcell Breast in a Permanent 250cc to 500cc overall Breast Size Increase, which is a 1 or 2 bra cup size. Thailand Natural Breast Augmentation, No Implants Required
Stem Cell Breast Augmentation charged in U.S estimate between $18,000.00 to $22,000.00.They mention are several factors that determine the fee schedule such as the number of areas being treated, procedure time and overall goals. Don’t get rip off! At Urban Beauty Thailand, everything is possible especially for those who are in need of a Stem cell Breast Augmentation can afford what may be close to an annual salary for some people in the West.
Special Promotion Fat transfer to Breast in Bangkok Promotion Price

We do offer 2 types of natural breast augmentation as following details;
1) Fat transfer to Breast
2) Adipose-derived stem cell at graft + PRP + Fat transfer for natural augmentation on all part of body such as Face, Breast, Butt, Hand etc.
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Adistem is originally and can deliver Stemcell for cell survial more than 300millions cell.Compare with other method such as CAL, Adistem is most Cell Survival among others result is permanantly.
Beyond of Stem cell Breast Augmentation
- Some time ago Macrolane was presented in the media as a new method of breast augmentation without using silicone. Since silicone implants have a number of serious drawbacks, alternatives are always welcome.
- In the case of using Macrolane for the enlargement, hyaluronic acid is injected into the breast. Hyaluronic acid has been used for years in cosmetic medicine for injection into lips, but has – as is also often cited – the disadvantage that it is completely metabolized after only one to one and a half years.
- Therefore, regular re-applications are required if the result is to be preserved.
- In the case of breast enlargement, the hyaluronic acid is injected in to the breast tissue through small incisions underneath the breast in ‘nut-sized’ depots. This means that by every re-application, additional incisions must be made, which of course leave some visible scars, and the ‘nut-sized’ depots can be felt in the breasts as hard lumps.
- Concerning the cost of the procedure: the manufacturer of Macrolane, Qmed, charges doctors EUR 350 for 10 ml of the Macrolane material. Therefore it is easy to calculate that the price of a relatively standard 200 ml per side enlargement will be some EUR 14,000 plus surgeon’s fees.
Is Thailand Stem Cell help to Enhanced Natural Breast Augmentation?
Our surgeon perform breast augmentations using stem cell-enriched autologous fat or simply is uses a patient’s fat tissue, which is a rich source of stem cells and regenerative cells, to provide women the option of enlarging their breast without the use of unnatural implants. These stem cells are not the controversial embryonic stem cells.
Thailand Stemcell Breast Augmentation Procedure:
- First, liposuction procedure utilizes streaming water to gently harvest the fat.The fat is then processed to extract and activate the stem cells.The stem cells are then concentrated with the fat and injected in the breast.
- The injection of the fat along with the stem cells results in a permanent 250cc to 500cc overall breast size increase, which is a 1 or 2 bra cup size increase.
- A pressure splint is sometimes used after the procedure to ensure that the fat remains in place and assists in promoting regeneration of the transferred fat and stem cells.
The Resulted of Thailand Stemcell Breast Augmentation
The Effect of Natural Breast Augmentation Via Urban Beauty Thailand
- At Urban Beauty Thailand – Stem Cell Breast Augmentation in Thailand, the end result is enlarged breasts that are very natural in appearance and feel without the complications associated with implants.
- Unlike traditional implants, this procedure will not interfere with future Mammograms or breastfeeding.
- The technique does not require general anesthesia, typically requires only 48 hour recovery period and leaves permanent results.
What patient says after treatment?
Silicone Latest revolutionary, new technique of Natural Breast Augmentation, which employs the latest technology advances in fat harvesting, adult stem cell transfers and breast splinting technology to provide women the option of enlarging their breasts using their own fat.
Benefit of Stem cell Breast Augmentation Thailand
- The technique results in breasts that look and feel smoother than conventional cosmetic surgery using implants.
- Stem cells enable the fat to grow its own blood supply, thus becoming an integral part of the breast rather than a foreign lump.
- Stem cells have the potential to change into any cells in the body; they are found in most tissues, especially fat.
Result immediately after treatment
Autologous fat transfer for breast augmentation and reconstruction has remained a highly debated and controversial procedure following the introduction of these techniques in the U.S. in the late 1980′s. “Yet, recent advances in fat harvesting and transfer techniques, digital mammography, and the use of adipose derived adult stem and regenerative cells necessitate a re-examination of this longstanding bias against fat transfer breast augmentation,”
What to choose? Stemcell Breast Augmentation in Thailand:
- Take a few moments to review your desired outcome to make sure that you and our plastic surgeon are on the same page.
- Our Surgeon will give instruction about surgery before operation.
- When you contact Urban Beauty Thailand, we will not only set you up with our best surgeons team, we will also assist you in any way we can when it comes to finding accommodation.
- Thanks to our contacts in various Thai cities, we can secure discounted prices for you in luxury accommodation. And unlike other companies in the region, all our prices are upfront.
- When you book with us, there are no hidden fees or charges as you will pay directly to hospital, what you see is what you get!
Let’s us help you with Stem cells Breast Augmentation in Thailand
Save upto 80% with Urban Beauty Thailand on Stemcell Breast Augmentation Bangkok, Thailand special pricing starts from 200,000 THB/ approx. $6,666 USD all inclusive with free transfer. Breast Fat Transfer Bangkok, Thailand;
For more info. you may visit us or or +66 86 376 4826/0863764826/086 655 2462.