The New Way to Get a BIGGER Penis: Penile Enhancement Bangkok, Penis Enlargement Thailand
Want to find out how you can gain inches on your penis?
Penis Enhancement Bangkok – we offer incredibly effective and safe solutions to make your penis bigger and improve sexual performance, at the best price on the market! Increase your penis size starting at just THB 15,000 – approx. $428USD.
PRP – the hottest new trend for Penis Enhancement in Thailand!
Urban Beauty Thailand have been providing penis enhancement solutions from pills to Phalloplasty (penis enlargement surgery) for almost a decade with great success. Now, there’s a new product on the market that is extremely effective in rejuvenating and enlarging the penis – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.
The penis a vascular organ and therefore can lose elasticity as the endothelium decreases, affecting the vascularity of the penis which then leads to erectile dysfunction. The PRP shot Thailand can stimulate these tissues and blood vessels to regrow which strengthens erections, enhances the appearance and a reduction in erectile dysfunction – in some cases, a complete reversal. The results can be seen almost immediately with an increase in size, sexual function and sensitivity.
The PRP treatment process
After a thorough consultation with both Urban Beauty Thailand and our specialist doctor, the actual treatment takes only around 10 minutes. A small amount of blood will be taken and the plasma is separated to give purified and platelets. The platelets, once inside the body, will immediately travel to any site that needs repair. Once activated, they begin healing by releasing growth and regeneration factors which causes an increase in stem cells to rejuvenate tissues. This technique is used across the globe to quickly repair sports injuries.
The doctor will apply a topical anesthetic, making the process virtually pain-free, then the PRP shot Thailand will be injected into several areas of the penis. The treatment is completely natural and uses only your own body’s platelets and there is no down time. The penis is instantly visibly fuller and the platelets continue the healing process, repairing and re-growing new tissue.
How many treatments will you need?
Every patient is different, although in most cases, just 2 – 4 treatments are sufficient to see remarkable results that can last up to 18 months. With ongoing treatments, results can even be permanent.
For the BEST results
If you are looking for a more dramatic transformation, we can recommend a combination of PRP with Fillers, Fat Transfer or Stem Cell.
Combine PRP with Fillers
Dermal fillers can be used to enlarge the penis. The process takes around 1-hour where the doctor will carefully inject fillers into the glans penis (head of the penis) and the shaft, to increase the overall size. A small needle is used for the procedure and a topical anesthetic can be applied to ensure the procedure is pain-free.
There is no downtime after this procedure, although you may experience some minor bruising which can take up to 2 weeks to subside. It is recommended that patients abstain from sexual activities for at least 2 days following the procedure.
Fillers start from just THB 15,000/approx. $430USD per cc.
Combine PRP with Fat Transfer
If you are considering surgical options, Fat Transfer Penis Enlargement Surgery is the perfect option. This involves two surgical procedures that are completed during the same hospital visit. First, Liposuction is performed to remove fat from the abdomen or thighs which is then filtered so that the fat cells are isolated to be used again. The fat is then injected around the penile shaft using a special technique to ensure the fat survival.
Patients may experience some swelling after the procedure, although this should be mild.
What are the options available for penis enhancement in Thailand?
Whether you want to increase the size of your manhood to improve your confidence, change the look with a Penis Circumcision or treat Erectile Dysfunction, our expert team are here to advise you on the best procedures to achieve your goals. Our surgical teams in Thailand are the best in class and perform genital surgery on a daily basis, so you know you are in safe hands!
If you are considering Penile Enhancement Thailand options, why not get in touch with us today for a completely FREE consultation with no obligation – or +66(0)86 376 4826 or 086 655 2462.
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